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About Us...

Lesson Study includes purposeful professional development that uses collective teacher expertise around a managed curriculum to create meaningful student learning.

Region 17 Lesson Study facilitators will guide administrators and teachers through:

  • Selecting an area of focus centered around the implementation of a managed curriculum
  • Designing research based instructional practices aligned to the focus
  • Providing collaborative team time for teachers to plan the implementation of the strategies
  • Supporting and coaching the PLCs through the process
  • Providing a space for reflective conversations with feedback and coaching
  • Sustaining the lesson study work independent of an outside facilitator


We are currently supporting the following managed curricula:

  • Amplify, K-5th
  • Eureka Math TEKS Edition, K-5th
  • Carnegie Learning Texas Math Solution, 6th-8th & Algebra I
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Need Help?
Haley Maldonado
Lesson Study Lead

P: (806) 281-5865
E: hmaldonado@esc17.net
Important Resources...
Lori Pittman
Lesson Study Coach

P: 806-281-5832
E: lpittman@esc17.net
Jean Anne Williams
Lesson Study Coach

P:  806-281-5894
E: jwilliams@esc17.net
Heather Tekell
Lesson Study Coach

P:  806-281-5806
E: htekell@esc17.net
What Is Lesson Study?
Lesson Study is a proven process in which teachers drive improvements to teaching and learning through collaborative action research.

In Lesson Study, teachers engage in cycles of continuous improvement.  Together, groups of teachers within their PLCs:

  • examine a problem of practice associated with a managed curriculum,
  • plan instructional solutions based on data, instructional materials/research or unit/lesson internalization,
  • teach and observe the targeted instructional strategy,
  • reflect on the observation,
  • and share the results of their work.


Teachers develop a deep and lasting knowledge of content and pedagogy.

The purpose of lesson study is to improve instruction
The TXLS Cycle...
  • TXLS teams meet weekly to complete the TXLS cycles.

  • Training and meeting schedules are tailored to fit the campus needs.

  • ESC specialists train, support, and coach LEA’s to sustain implementation


Texas Lesson Study is committed to supporting teachers to increase their knowledge of how to internalize and deliver their high quality instructional materials in an engaging way without changing the integrity of the lessons.



Our vision is for teachers to embrace the PLC process through Lesson Study as part of their ongoing professional growth. Teachers throughout Region 17 will have access to just-in-time professional learning opportunities that are tailored to specific problems of practice in order to increase teacher efficacy in content-specific pedagogy and improve student learning.
Lesson Study Logo
Why Do Lesson Study?
  • In just the first year of implementation, students of Lesson Study teachers show significant STAAR improvement 42 percent of the time.

  • Teacher turnover is less for Texas Lesson Study teachers.

  • Teachers reported higher levels of attributes affecting school culture such as confidence in teaching abilities, expertise in the content area taught, feeling like a respected professional, and viewing colleagues as experts in the field.

  • Teachers also expressed professional growth in areas such as crafting good questions, using a variety of assessment strategies, and implementing alternative strategies in the classroom.

The Lesson Study model is centered on improving teaching, not the teacher.

How Does It Compare To Other PD?

Traditional PD versus Lesson Study
ESC Support...

The ESCs will build a foundation for continuous teacher professional development and develop the capacity of local leaders to sustain and expand Lesson Study.  ESCs will:

  • Provide training and support in leading Lesson Study groups
  • Provide and communicate research on current best instructional practices
  • Help problem-solve around specific needs of a campus or district
  • Coach LEA facilitators on how to effectively lead Lesson Study groups
Lesson Study Q&A...
Does Lesson Study Connect To Other TEA Initiatives?
Yes!  The Lesson Study process can support administrators and teachers in applying and reflecting on their learnings from various TEA initiatives.  These crosswalk documents serve to demonstrate how Texas Lesson Study can support districts and schools in understanding the main components of these programs and the potential for Lesson Study to support them in improving teacher effectiveness.
Lesson Study Photo Gallery...
Lesson Study Testimonials...
  • “It (the Lesson Study PLC meeting) has made us a closer team, more accountable to each other, more connected and on the same page.”  ~Stacey Williams, Seagraves Elementary

  • “If we had not gone through Lesson Study, our kids would have been at a mid-year level, not where they are today.”  ~Shelley Mann, Seagraves Elementary Principal

  • "Lesson Study has made us stop working in isolation and forced us to be accountable to each other and work collaboratively." ~Monica Larrea, Denver City ISD 

  • “It (the Lesson Study PLC meeting) builds my confidence and lets me know others are struggling with the same things.”  ~Jennifer Saenz, Seagraves Elementary

  • “We walk out of here (the PLC meetings) going–we’re okay. We have confidence.”  ~Shelley Rossen, Seagraves Elementary
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